The research began with air as a medium for transmitting the invisible and even the immaterial: electromagnetic waves. I learned about Earth's magnetic field, which sparked my interest in the waves emitted by electronic devices in our homes.

That’s how I discovered white spots, places with no mobile or internet connection. These areas are valuable because they encourage human interactions and are free from potentially harmful radiation, yet they are disappearing.

The following are some attempts to represent these invisible waves and fields.
la forma del campo
la forma del campo
variación del campo magnético terrestre sobre la península a lo largo de los siglos
variación del campo magnético terrestre sobre la península a lo largo de los siglos
The test subject was a middle/lower-class district in Madrid. The white spots would be generated by fleets of signal-inhibiting drones.
These drones would operate in specific areas at a time, only on certain days of the week and for a limited duration.
These moments of “decompression” would allow citizens to reconnect with themselves and with their city.

After analyzing the district, this is a compilation of spaces that would benefit from devices that promote interaction and socialization.
the devices

This is a catalog of the possible panel combinations enabled by the system. These devices are designed to activate "residual" spaces in the city.

This catalog showcases the elements that make up the devices. It is presented as the "spring collection," suggesting that more panels can always be designed.
On the edge of each panel, there is a slot where an extruded connector fits.
The shape of the device will be defined by the angles of those connectors. The panels can be assembled infinitely.
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